Long-range only LODE descriptor¶
The LodeSphericalExpansion
the calculation of a descriptor that includes all atoms within the system and
projects them onto a spherical expansion/ fingerprint within a given cutoff
This is very useful if long-range interactions between atoms are important to
describe the physics and chemistry of a collection of atoms. However, as stated
the descriptor contains ALL atoms of the system and sometimes it can be
desired to only have a long-range/exterior only descriptor that only includes
the atoms outside a given cutoff. Sometimes there descriptors are also denoted
by far-field descriptors.
A long range only descriptor can be particular useful when one already has a good descriptor for the short-range density like (SOAP) and the long-range descriptor (far field) should contain different information from what the short-range descriptor already offers.
Such descriptor can be constructed within featomic as sketched by the image below.
In this example will construct such a descriptor using the radial integral splining tools of featomic.
We start the example by loading the required packages
import ase
import ase.visualize.plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from ase.build import molecule
from metatensor import LabelsEntry, TensorMap
import featomic
from featomic import LodeSphericalExpansion, SphericalExpansion
Single water molecule (short range) system
Our first test system is a single water molecule with a \(15\,\mathrm{Å}\) vacuum layer around it.
atoms = molecule("H2O", vacuum=15, pbc=True)
We choose a cutoff
for the projection of the spherical expansion and the
neighbor search of the real space spherical expansion.
cutoff = 3
We can use ase’s visualization tools to plot the system and draw a gray circle to
indicate the cutoff
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cutoff_circle = plt.Circle(

As you can see, for a single water molecule, the cutoff
includes all atoms of
the system. The combination of the test system and the cutoff
aims to
demonstrate that the full atomic fingerprint is contained within the cutoff
By later subtracting the short-range density from the LODE density, we will observe
that the difference between them is almost zero, indicating that a single water
molecule is a short-range system.
For the density, we choose a smeared power law as used in LODE, which does not decay
exponentially like a Gaussian
density and is
therefore suited to describe long-range interactions between atoms.
density = featomic.density.SmearedPowerLaw(smearing=1.2, exponent=3)
To visualize this we plot density
together with a Gaussian density
) with the same width
in a log-log plot.
radial_positions = np.geomspace(1e-5, 10, num=1000)
gaussian_density = featomic.density.Gaussian(width=density.smearing)
density.compute(radial_positions, derivative=False),
gaussian_density.compute(radial_positions, derivative=False),
positions_indicator = np.array([3.0, 8.0])
2 * positions_indicator ** (-density.exponent),
plt.xlim(1e-1, 10)
plt.ylim(1e-3, 5e-1)
plt.xlabel("radial positions / Å")
plt.ylabel("atomic density")

We see that the SmearedPowerLaw
decays with a power law of 3, which is the
potential exponent we picked above, wile the Gaussian
density decays exponentially and is therefore not suited
for long-range descriptors.
As a projection basis, we don’t use the usual Gto
which is commonly used for short range descriptors. Instead, we select the
which is the optimal radial basis
for the LODE descriptor as discussed in Huguenin-Dumittan et al.
by_angular = {}
for angular in range(2):
by_angular[angular] = featomic.basis.Monomials(
radius=cutoff, angular_channel=angular, max_radial=4
basis = featomic.basis.Explicit(
# We choose a relatively low spline accuracy (default is ``1e-8``) to achieve quick
# computation of the spline points. You can increase the spline accuracy if
# required, but be aware that the time to compute these points will increase
# significantly!
We now have all building blocks to construct the spline for the real and Fourier space spherical expansions.
real_space_spliner = featomic.splines.SoapSpliner(
# We don't use a ``smoothing`` function in the cutoff or a ``radial_scaling`` in the
# density to ensure the correct construction of the long-range only descriptor
cutoff=featomic.cutoff.Cutoff(radius=cutoff, smoothing=None),
real_space_hypers = real_space_spliner.get_hypers()
fourier_space_spliner = featomic.splines.LodeSpliner(
fourier_space_hypers = fourier_space_spliner.get_hypers()
With the splines ready, we now compute the two spherical expansions
real_space_calculator = SphericalExpansion(**real_space_hypers)
real_space_expansion = real_space_calculator.compute(atoms)
fourier_space_calculator = LodeSphericalExpansion(**fourier_space_hypers)
fourier_space_expansion = fourier_space_calculator.compute(atoms)
As described in the beginning, we now subtract the real space LODE contributions
from Fourier space to obtain a descriptor that only contains the contributions from
atoms outside of the cutoff
delta_expansion = fourier_space_expansion - real_space_expansion
You can now use the delta_expansion
as a purely long-range descriptor in
combination with a short-range descriptor like
for your machine learning models.
We now verify that for our test atoms
the LODE spherical expansion only contains
short-range contributions. To demonstrate this, we densify the
to have only one block per "center_type"
visualize our result. Since we have to perform the densify operation several times in
this how-to, we define a helper function densify_tensormap
def densify_tensormap(tensor: TensorMap) -> TensorMap:
dense_tensor = tensor.components_to_properties("o3_mu")
dense_tensor = dense_tensor.keys_to_samples("neighbor_type")
dense_tensor = dense_tensor.keys_to_properties(["o3_lambda", "o3_sigma"])
return dense_tensor
We apply the function to the Fourier space spherical expansion
and subtracted_expansion
fourier_space_expansion = densify_tensormap(fourier_space_expansion)
delta_expansion = densify_tensormap(delta_expansion)
Finally, we plot the values of each block for the Fourier Space spherical expansion in the upper panel and the difference between the Fourier Space and the real space in the lower panel. And since we will do this plot several times we again define a small plot function to help us
def plot_value_comparison(
key: LabelsEntry,
fourier_space_expansion: TensorMap,
subtracted_expansion: TensorMap,
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, layout="tight")
values_subtracted = subtracted_expansion[key].values
values_fourier_space = fourier_space_expansion[key].values
ax[0].set_title(f"center_type={key.values[0]}\n Fourier space sph. expansion")
im = ax[0].matshow(values_fourier_space, vmin=-0.25, vmax=0.5)
ax[0].set_ylabel("sample index")
ax[1].set_title("Difference between Fourier and real space sph. expansion")
ax[1].matshow(values_subtracted, vmin=-0.25, vmax=0.5)
ax[1].set_ylabel("sample index")
ax[1].set_xlabel("property index")
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax[0], orientation="horizontal", fraction=0.1, label="values")
We first plot the values of the TensorMaps for center_type=1 (hydrogen)
fourier_space_expansion.keys[0], fourier_space_expansion, delta_expansion

and for center_type=8 (oxygen)
fourier_space_expansion.keys[1], fourier_space_expansion, delta_expansion

The plot shows that the spherical expansion for the Fourier space is non-zero while the difference between the two expansions is very small.
Small residual values may stems from the contribution of the periodic images. You
can verify and reduce those contributions by either increasing the cell and/or
increase the potential_exponent
Two water molecule (long range) system
We now add a second water molecule shifted by \(3\,\mathrm{Å}\) in each direction from our first water molecule to show that such a system has non negligible long range effects.
atoms_shifted = molecule("H2O", vacuum=10, pbc=True)
atoms_shifted.positions = atoms.positions + 3
atoms_long_range = atoms + atoms_shifted
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ase.visualize.plot.plot_atoms(atoms_long_range, ax=ax)
cutoff_circle = plt.Circle(
cutoff_circle_shifted = plt.Circle(

As you can see, the cutoff
radii of the two molecules are completely disjoint.
Therefore, a short-range model will not able to describe the intermolecular
interactions between our two molecules. To verify we now again create a long-range
only descriptor for this system. We use the already defined
and fourier_space_expansion_long_range
real_space_expansion_long_range = real_space_calculator.compute(atoms_long_range)
fourier_space_expansion_long_range = fourier_space_calculator.compute(atoms_long_range)
We now first verify that the contribution from the short-range descriptors is the same as for a single water molecule. Exemplarily, we compare only the first (Hydrogen) block of each tensor.
print("Single water real space spherical expansion")
print(np.round(real_space_expansion[1].values, 3))
print("\nTwo water real space spherical expansion")
print(np.round(real_space_expansion_long_range[1].values, 3))
Single water real space spherical expansion
[[[-0.267 -0.101 -0.06 -0.044 -0.035]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0.267 0.101 0.06 0.044 0.035]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]]]
Two water real space spherical expansion
[[[-0.267 -0.101 -0.06 -0.044 -0.035]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0.267 0.101 0.06 0.044 0.035]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]]
[[-0.267 -0.101 -0.06 -0.044 -0.035]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0.267 0.101 0.06 0.044 0.035]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]]]
Since the values of the block are the same, we can conclude that there is no
information shared between the two molecules and that the short-range descriptor is
not able to distinguish the system with only one or two water molecules. Note that
the different number of samples in real_space_expansion_long_range
the fact that the second system has more atoms then the first.
As above, we construct a long-range only descriptor and densify the result for plotting the values.
delta_expansion_long_range = (
fourier_space_expansion_long_range - real_space_expansion_long_range
fourier_space_expansion_long_range = densify_tensormap(
delta_expansion_long_range = densify_tensormap(delta_expansion_long_range)
As above, we plot the values of the spherical expansions for the Fourier and the
subtracted (long range only) spherical expansion. First for hydrogen

amd second for oxygen (center_species=8

We clearly see that the values of the subtracted spherical are much larger compared to the system with only a single water molecule, thus confirming the presence of long-range contributions in the descriptor for a system with two water molecules.